Stockholm, Sweden, July 5, 2023; Inify Laboratories AB (publ.) has been notified that the following transaction has been completed by a close associate to a primary insider in Inify: Monsun […]
Norwegian financial newspaper Finansavisen highlights Inify Laboratories in a report from the laboratory in Solna. CEO Fredrik Palm and Chief Medical Officer Claes Lindh discuss challenges in healthcare, market potential and what makes Inify so unique.
Den norska tidningen Finansavisen uppmärksammar Inify Laboratories i ett reportage från laboratoriet i Solna. Här intervjuas VD Fredrik Palm och medicinske chefen Claes Lindh bland annat om vårdens utmaningar, marknadspotential och vad som gör Inify så unikt.
”Början på ett paradigmskifte inom patologi” STOCKHOLM – 20 juni, 2023 – Inify Laboratories, en unik laboratorietjänst som tillhandahåller cancerdiagnostik inom patologi, tillkännager öppnandet av sitt första laboratorium, efter […]
“The beginning of a paradigm shift within pathology” STOCKHOLM – June 20, 2023 – Inify Laboratories, a unique laboratory service that provides cancer diagnostics within pathology, announces the opening of […]
Inify Laboratories AB, org. nr. 559345-4431, har den 16 maj 2023 hållit årsstämma i företagets lokaler. Totalt var 34 075 774 aktier representerade på bolagsstämman, vilket motsvarar 75,3 % av det […]
Inify Laboratories, held its ordinary Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting at the company's premises on May 16, 2023. A total of 34,075,774 shares were represented at the Annual General Meeting, corresponding to 75.3% of the total number of shares and votes. The AGM resolved, with the required majority, on all matters in accordance with the Board of Directors's published proposal. Below is a summary of the main decisions made, for further details please refer to the notice available on the company's website.
STOCKHOLM – April 26th, 2023 – Inify Laboratories, a fully integrated digital ultramodern laboratory service that provides cancer diagnostics within pathology, is on track for launch at the end of […]
Stockholm – April 12, 2023 – Inify Laboratories AB (publ), a company providing fully digitalized laboratory services within prostate cancer diagnostics, hereby invites its shareholders to Annual General Meeting on […]
Stockholm – 12 April, 2023 – Inify Laboratories AB (publ), ett företag som tillhandahåller helt digitaliserade laboratorietjänster inom prostatacancerdiagnostik, kallar härmed sina aktieägare till årsstämma den 16 maj 2023. Kallelse […]